There's a First Time for Everything
So here goes my first blog post. Is that even what you call it? I sure don't have a clue. My intentions with this first post are to let the you all know what my intentions are with this blog. Funny thing is, I don't know that I even have an answer to that because I'm not exactly sure where I want my blog to go. Do I want something that I can stay up until the booty crack of dawn for? Somewhere I can express my valuable thoughts and give advice that the limited 140 character twitter post can't handle? Something to use other than a diary on Facebook for all to see? A place for my friends or even strangers to go and know that they will either find comfort or a good laugh? A place for the quiet ones that are too shy to get to know me quite yet-or even my enemy that just can't find peace from what my other social media outlets offer? A place for God to speak through me and use me to help at least one person? A pleace for me to become famous and have a writing career? Totally marked through that because HAHA WHAT A JOKE! Or maybe a place for you to all see pictures of my life because I have crazy high anxiety about posting to Instagram?? Whatever may come out of this new adventure in my life, I hope it is great and that God is glorified.
Some things you will need to know about me are (& in no order):
I think I have said enough as an intro. Shoutout to Maddy for getting me started. Check out her blog at .
Stay Humble, Stay Happy.
xoxo, Kins
Some things you will need to know about me are (& in no order):
- I am from the cute little town of Bethlehem....HAHA okay joke number two. I am from Hartwell, GA...which is also a cute little town which I love very much but oh my goodness I can't wait to get out of.
- The "joke" above leads me to the second thing you need to know about me (see, totally not in order because this should have been first)...but I am totally dry-humored. If you don't like my jokes, don't read my blogs because they will propbably appear often. It is who I am and I actually like it and so do my friends, well, after they figured out it was just part of me. ;)
- I am a junior at Hart County High School-another one of those things that I am really grateful for but ready to leave very soon!
- Next, they label me "Christian". While I won't deny that, I like to think of myself as a VERY imperfect person that is absolutely LOVED and PROTECTED by an awesome (what a lousey word) Savior!!!
- Speaking of labels...I don't like them. Especially nutrition labels. I tend to focus on them too much. Labels are never good because people change really fast and labels remain so why even go there?
- I barrel race! Don't ask...if you don't know, just Google it please. It is one of the best things that has ever happened to me. There is seriously no feeling as great as running a horse full speed (even though I am not completely there yet) around three "trash cans", as some say. Yeah, you're going to look it up now!
- I love gum and chew way too much of it. Super irrelevant but that was free.
- I am super peculiar about my looks, which I am working on. If you struggle with identity and self-worth, you will LOVE my blogs because I hope to show you that you're not alone!
- I do not know where spell check is on this dang website and the little red squiggly line isn't coming up when I mispell word and that really gives me anxiety so do not judge me if I mispell something. I am the victim. Jk, I do not like people who play the victim (another free point)
- My dad committed suicide in 2009. If someone you know and love has done this, I struggle daily with you and also hope I can encourage you in that sense too.
- That leads me to this...I LOVE MY FAMILY! I have been through so much with them (but what family hasn't). I hate that we have had to endure some of the things we have but thankful is an understatement for my feelings of who the trials have made us.
- I also love my friends and although I know I don't always fit in, nobody does and I wouldn't want to do life without any of them.
I think I have said enough as an intro. Shoutout to Maddy for getting me started. Check out her blog at .
Stay Humble, Stay Happy.
xoxo, Kins
Cannot wait to read more! I think this will be a good place for you to articulate your thoughts, encourage others, and be encouraged yourself. I love you so much!!!