Running for the garbage

My puppy has taught me a lot of things. Mostly responsibility, the value of the respected word "no", and a whole lot of patience. But this morning, Jesus used my puppy to teach, or rather show me something really neat. 

No matter how much money I spend on toys, my puppy always goes for the common household items. I mean I buy the coolest, most indestructible toys for Tuck and all he cares about are my favorite pair of shoes, which he steals from my closet. 

But anyways..this morning (just like EVERY morning) when I was getting ready, Tucker snuck over to the trash can in the bathroom (over..and over..) to get out q tips, cotton balls, or whatever he could find. Once he finds what he is looking for, he goes and lays in the corner (very quietly) until I take away the trash. This whole thing annoys the mess out of me because every morning, it's the same thing. He gets into the trash, he hides, I find him, I take the trash away. And then you guessed it...repeat. The look on his face when I find him misbehaving is such shame because he knows he has done wrong and although I always scold him for the wrongdoing, he goes right back to the same action. 

This scenario reminds me of how we are with God and sin. God has paid the ultimate price for us (like me buying the awesome, expensive toys), yet we choose the garbage (sin)-over and over again. When we find ourselves in the midst of sin, we are usually ashamed  but once we are repromanded, do we stop? Although God may send things to point out our sinfulness, he always shows grace and never gives up. Personally speaking, if I am caught up in sin, it's because I choose to be there and unless I allow God to work on my heart, I won't exit the sinful area. Just like Tuck. If he isn't ready to stop playing with the garbage, he won't. So what does it take? Unfortunately, I do not know the answer but I do know that scripture promises that turning from sin produces refreshment. 

Acts 3:19-Repent and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord. 

I love that because we see sin as our fun little safe zone and we often miss the danger in it. Just as tucker doesn't realize (but I do) that trash is disposed for a reason, we sometimes fail to realize (but God doesn't) that sin is bad and it separates us from God. 

So no, I know that this isn't the end to sin but I do hope it at least gives you a better outlook on it or maybe just why God wants to protect us from it. 

Stay Humble, Stay Happy. 
xoxo, Kins 


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