Know Your Source

Yesterday, I was told something that really stuck with me. I was complaining about a situation and my friend then told me that "I couldn't cry over spilled milk". I just left the comment there and didn't really think much about it.....until I got to bed that night, because if you're anything like me, when you lay down at night, your mind hits the ground running. As I lay there, I began to review my day and think about that statement. You can't cry over spilled milk. Even though I have heard that numerous times, I took it to a deeper level this time and realized just how true and profound of a statement that was.

Let me put this in a scenario so you can hopefully see it the way I do. Some of you may think this is so elementary but just stick with it, please.

**put on your pretend pants because this story you are about to read is one that I made up**

Let's say Sarah (random name) is enjoying a cold, fresh glass of milk and *bam*, she spills it. Me knowing the drama queen Sarah usually is, gets ready for a full on meltdown. To my surprise, Sarah simply gets a paper towel and some cleaner, cleans up the mess, and pours another glass of milk. Sarah laughs as she is drinking this new glass of milk, informing me that it was the last of the gallon and she is relieved she had just enough for another glass. I walk over to write milk on the grocery list and on the way, I knock over her new glass of milk!! Now I really feel like she is going to go crazy but again, to my surprise, she remains calm. Sarah decides that we can just walk next door and get some milk from the neighbor because she is obviously determined to have her a glass of milk! We walk to not only one neighbor's house, but three. All of which are out of milk (must have been a snow storm lately) ;) but anyways, Sarah and I then hop in the car and just go grab some more milk from the grocery store. On the way to the store, I tell Sarah that I am so shocked that she didn't lose her mind through all the chaos. Her answer was that it is all in your perspective. She could have looked at the spilled milk as a test to get her down but she remained hopeful because she knew where her source was. She knew her neighbors would have milk, and if they didn't, the grocery store would.

So you may be wondering why in the world I have wasted your time by making up a story about a girl named Sarah that spilled her milk but wait, there is a reason of course.

Put yourself in Sarah's shoes. No, not that you keep spilling your milk but that maybe your doctor keeps telling you the news you don't want to hear, or you just lost your job of 20 years and you are afraid you have lost it all. Maybe your mom just passed away and you feel like giving up. Or you may even just be mad because you can't seem to catch a break from bad days at work or school. Whatever your situation may be, what is your source? Do you even have one? Thankfully, there is a source for any bad day or bad news and when you know your source and have one worth knowing, your problems can be looked at from a different perspective.

Just like Sarah didn't get discouraged when she, or rather the glass of milk, kept getting knocked down, neither should we. When you find out the bad news, take it to Jesus, your source. Jesus is a source that won't ever run dry and He is the best source you could ever dream of having. Just like Sarah laughed at the spilled milk, you can laugh at your chaos because there is joy and happiness in knowing Jesus.  One of my favorite verses talks about how Jesus continually guides us. Not only does he guide us but he also nurtures us along our paths. Next time God takes you down a path you never expected, laugh without fear and believe that he is nurturing you and that he has a plan. When we respond to things like this, people will notice, just like I noticed Sarah's reaction. That is a perfect opportunity to not only use your source, but to also refer him to a friend, which is what we are here for. I am so thankful to have a source like Jesus and I want everyone to experience that.

Isaiah 58:11-The LORD will guide you continually, giving you water when you are dry and restoring your strength. You will be like a well-watered garden, like an ever-flowing spring

Proverbs 31:25-She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future.

Know your source because we all need a source. 

stay humble, stay happy
xoxo, kins 


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