A Message We All Desperately Need to Hear!!

  1. For the past couple of months, the word grace has continued to captivate my thoughts. At first I was unsure of why this word suddenly meant so much to me but the more I read and sit with it, the more I realize how wrong I have been about the word. Grace. Oh, I am so excited!! 

    **disclaimer, the word grace is about to be used a lot but trust me...when you get to the end of this post, you will be just as in love with the word as I am!!**

    To release the inner student in me, I want to take a look at the Hebrew word behind grace. In the Old Testament, the word chesed (also known as hesed) was often used to describe grace. Chesed speaks of deliverance, enablement, forgiveness, and preservation. How amazing is it that a word that describes our relationship with the King is not just a word- it's a promise and a solution!! By God's grace, we are delivered from hardships (in his time), enabled to love and serve, forgiven for the wrong things we (quite often) do, and preserved for Heaven!! This gets me pumped to serve this King of mine. 

    In Genesis, a man named Lot is introduced. There much controversy on Lot's morality but that is not the main focus here- I want you to see his intentions as well as his mistakes and most importantly, the grace offered to him!! 

    The context of chapter 19 is two angels visiting Lot, encouraging him to leave Sodom because it will soon be destroyed. In the meantime, some homosexual men wanted to have relations with the two messengers (unaware they were angels) so Lot instead offered his two daughters to the crowd.

    Lot was faced with a decision. It was customary to treat visitors with utmost respect, thus the offer of his daughters, but at the same time, how can a man offer his daughters so freely? Lot was already wrong by residing in Sodom and this would only add to it. Either way you look at it, Lot was morally incorrect. He was in the wrong. But yet still considered "righteous"???

    Before we go casting stones at Lot, let's remember the topic of this post; grace! Fast forward to the New Testament and look at 2 Peter 2:6-7...

    *and if He (God) condemned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah to the destruction by reducing them to ashes, having made them an example to those who would live ungodly thereafter; and if He rescued the righteous Lot, oppressed by the filthy lives of lawless men...* 

    This is insane! This man offered his daughters, yet because God does not remember our sins (*), Peter was able to describe him as a righteous man! THIS IS GRACE! 

    *I, yes, I alone--will blot out your sins for my own sake and will never think of them again.

    (Isaiah 43:25)

    ---> Please readers, please hang in here with me...it is about to get good!! <---

    My next example of grace is a personal one. It also deals with homosexuality but again, that is not the main point, nor is that not the only thing grace extends to.

    Almost 4 years ago, I met a girl who struggled with homosexuality. We had a talk one night in a hospital lobby and it is one I will never forget. I remember sitting with her at an absolute loss for words. Her spirit was tired from fighting this inner battle and it evident that this was not who she wanted to be. She was confused and so was I. I felt so much pressure to deliver her from her struggle and lead her to Christ but I knew I could not do it myself. Christ had to change her heart and I had to trust that he would do just that. 

    Keeping touch with her through social media, I began to notice that she was involved in small groups and always talked about God in her posts. It began to become so normal to see her love for Jesus shine through her social media that I forgot she once struggled with homosexuality and Jesus' love for her. Last week, I received mail from her. Inside was a handwritten letter telling me about a mission trip she will be a part of. This is not the typical one week trip. She is partnering with Cafe 1040 on a three month trip to a part North Africa where Christianity is either unknown or illegal. Keep reading..please!! 
    This story of grace is, and probably will always be, my all time favorite!!! This girl once ran so hard from The Father and the life he wanted for her and she finally surrendered!! 

    Her exact words to me were "I had a lot of resentment, but then I realized my life is God's plan, not mine"..."I have been blessed so abundantly throughout this whole experience, and I know it's definitely the work of the Lord telling me this is where I'm supposed to be". 

    How can you read a story like this and not believe in Grace!? God forgets her (and our) sins, picks us up where we are and USES US FOR HIS GLORY!! Because God did not give up on winning her heart, she is about to go to another country and plant the seed in so many lives, just as the seed was planted in her the night we sat in the lobby. God's grace is abundant and God is ready for you to receive it! 

    Because of Grace, Lot was considered righteous. 

    Because of grace, my friend can go into this next season of her life, despite her doubts, and pursue her calling to reach the lost. Because her heart was won---BY GRACE. 

    Because of grace, the person we have been rude to for months can forgive us and love us deeper. 

    Because of grace, marriages can be restored because we realize that Jesus died for us WHILE WE WERE (and still are) SINNERS and rescued us!!! There is nothing someone can do to us that cannot be forgiven and forgotten.  

    Please, live in this freedom and remember that grace wins. Always. 

    ALSO*** I hope you will remember my dear friend in your prayers as she is about to experience something huge!! Likewise, if you are interested in supporting her financially, please let me know and I will give you information on how to do so!! 






    xoxo, kins 


  1. Grace is awesome! Great job showing us the heart of our Father through "grace." It's so true about Lot... it's amazing how differently God sees us... how he sees us through the lens of the forgiveness of His Son, whose blood is so powerful that, like you said, wipes away our sins so completely that God no longer remembers them! Hallelujah! And that enables us to see ourselves as the righteous sons and daughters he's remade us into, ready and willing to do receive His love and pour it out on others! Thanks for your post!


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